
AIGC主题论坛《共同的演化 Co-Evolution》

Fri, 09 Jun 2023 13:30:00 GMT+08 ~ Fri, 09 Jun 2023 18:00:00 GMT+08


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    日程安排 SCHEDULE

    主题论坛 FORUM
    13:30-14:00 签到Registration
    14:00-16:00 论坛Forum

    UCCA, 798 Art Zone, Chaoyang district, Beijing

    策展人导览 OPENING
    16:30-17:00 策展人导览 Guided Tour

    17:00-18:00 酒会 Wine Party

    北京798艺术区七星东街E03号楼,E03 Gallery
    E03 Gallery,798 Art ZoneChaoyang districtBeiing







    "Co-Evolution", or coevolution, is originally a biological concept in which the process of mutualistic evolution occurs between different species or groups of species, evolution and change among interacting lineages  from similar patterns on the wings of unrelated butterfly lineages, the symbiotic combination of ants and acacias, to the role of pollinators in driving the diversification of flowering plants, and even the origins of organisms themselves, evolutionary changes between interacting lineages play a profound and important role in the life history.


    Through the development of artificial intelligence fields such as machine learning, natural language understanding, and neural networks, AI not only helps us process massive amounts of data, it has also shown great autonomy. Between humans and AI, it has become more than a simple process of instruction and feedback, but inter-subjectivity between two subjects. To some extent, AI is not just a tool for us, but a mutual stimulus of control and surprise, imagination and beyond imagination. This means AI gradually becomes a collaborator in artist's creation, a process of intellectual co-evolution, rather than simply being created and utilized.  It is a mutual, "co-evolutionary" process in which new forms of production emerge forms of life working together, a process that is not a silicon-based and carbon-based binary, but a flow of intelligence and consciousness, a place where art is born. The "evolutionary" perspective allows us to rethink our relationship with artificial intelligence and to discern the development of the future.


    Through the collaboration practice of AI and artists, the exhibition generates a narrative around the earth to open up the imagination of being in the era of AI and being part of ecology. In this collaboration, how do we re-imagine our living environment? How to create a new understanding of our living environment and even ourselves through this collaboration? How to explore the common basis of the existence of both: fungi, geology, atmosphere, sky, ocean… Our reflection on the blurred boundaries of this co-living organism's ongoing evolution, and our new perspectives and questions being constantly raised, is exactly the new aesthetic form and imagination space created between Gaia and Cyborg.


    Curator:Diane Xing









    中央美术学院设计学院 艺术+科技方向教授

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